βοτανικος κηπος κεφαλονιας

Given that our environment is under pressure from either human activity or extreme weather events, we thought it necessary to create a small ark for priority species and protect them.  exsitu but without overlooking the importance of the importance of the insitu protecting species and therefore their habitats. Our collection is limited both in number and quantity of species, but the taxa we maintain at -22C are mostly endemic and threatened plants with small populations such as Arenania leucadia, Paeonia corsica, Silene cephallenia ssp. cephallenia, Campanula garganica ssp. cephallenia, Stachys ionica.

 For expertise and training on seed collection, we have received scientific support from the Millennium Seed Bank of Kew Gardens and the Institute for Genetic Improvement and Plant Genetic Resources ELGO-DIMITRA."